North American Aggregates is a leading supplier of aggregates for the construction, infrastructure, transportation and redevelopment of industries in the tri-state area.

Through Week’s wholly owned subsidiary North American Aggregates, we are a leading supplier of aggregates for the construction, infrastructure, transportation and redevelopment of industries in the tri-state area. Our Perth Amboy, New Jersey facility is centrally located, with immediate access to major transportation networks both on land and water. Our Aggregates team is equipped to offer beneficial reuse and large transportation by water, and thus provides environmentally sound solutions including the reduction of transit emissions by reducing road conveyance in the transportation of aggregate materials.
Unique Differentiators
Our process begins with our dredge, Eleanor, mining and sizing virgin source aggregates from the Ambrose Federal Navigation Channel. The aggregate is then is transported to our Perth Amboy facility to be processed at our new state-of-the-art plant. The clean sands are drawn into the process stream and conveyed to specialized heavy duty wet screens, blending and mixing stations, rinsing areas and finally stockpiled over two reclaim tunnels and finished product load out areas. Geographic benefits of our location include immediate access to major transportation networks both on land and water and our environmentally friendly process avoids the erosion and destruction of habitat caused by traditional sand mining.
North American Aggregates is committed to providing a full line of high-quality aggregate products, superior service, and excellent technical support. We also routinely work with customers to create custom products that meet specific project needs. Our products meet ASTM, AASHTO, CTDOT, NJDOT, NYNJPA, NYSDOT, and USGA standard specifications. North American Aggregates provides the following products for truck or barge delivery: Concrete Sand, Asphalt Sand, Pipe Sand, Fill Sand, Septic Sand, Certified NJDOT Soil Aggregates, Other Certified Clean and Structural Fills.
We are highly effective at delivering large amounts of aggregates utilizing the Weeks Marine Services fleet. We are also expert at lowering transportation costs by maximizing economies of scale while easing congestion by taking trucks off the roadways. Our logistics team works with our clients to coordinate delivery by land and water, easily reaching sites that are underserved by traditional land transportation networks. Additionally, we can provide unloading services and mobile processing equipment for a seamless loadout at any site.
The core of our equipment inventory is our dredge Eleanor, which mines and transports virgin source aggregates from the Ambrose Federal Navigation Channel. Adding to this, we have a fleet of 13 sand scows and over 500 feet of operational bulkhead where we can efficiently load multiple barges for delivery to waterfront sites throughout the tri-state. We are also proud to operate two 1500 series E-Crane material handlers that transload material at over 1500 tons an hour. These environmentally friendly electric E-Cranes are the most energy efficient hydraulic cranes available on the market.
Our Plant
Our new state-of-the-art plant processes at speeds of up to 1500 tons an hour and is operational 365 days a year in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. The efficiency of our operation is further bolstered by a fleet of 982M wheel-loaders, reducing truck loading time by one third.

Marine Services
Creative solutions in support of diverse marine work.
Building and protecting the foundations of a global economy.